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Checkliste: Neustart-Effekt

Veröffentlich am 2022-12-02 07:33:36
Etwas Neues in Angriff zu nehmen oder das eigene Verhalten zu verändern, ist nicht immer leicht. Der „Neustart-Effekt“ kann dabei helfen. Katherine Milkman und ihre Kolleg*innen haben herausgearbeitet, dass wir Neujahr deshalb so gerne nutzen, um ein Vorhaben umzusetzen, weil wir Erinnerungen an unser Leben in Abschnitte ordnen, wie Kapitel in einem Buch. Zu besonderen Zeitpunkten haben wir dann das...

Balint work and collegial counselling as peer coaching formats

Published on 2021-12-03 07:20:24
Supervision in the Balint format or as collegial case counselling works according to the motto "Getting more minds thinking". It follows a certain structure: case presentation - information questions - associations and ideas of the group - feedback & feedback. Our experience is that the person bringing the case is often very grateful afterwards because aspects have come to light, dynamics have been revealed and ideas for action have become clear, which...

Containment - a helpful approach to leadership

Published on 2021-04-09 12:48:12
From our new video series on "Leadership and Cooperation", here is the link to "Containment - a helpful approach in leadership". Here we show you how the psychodynamic attitude of containment ("taking in, holding, considering, giving resonance") can realise the attitude of civilité and serious attention in tense situations.

Self-leadership in the home office - basics for good planning & structure

Published on 2021-01-19 13:56:08
Self-leadership is the inner ability to organise oneself in such a way that one can use the available resources as optimally and efficiently as possible. Good self-leadership in the outside world requires planning and structure as well as the creation of routines. Here you will find helpful aspects for good self-leadership in the home office: Planning and structure: If possible, a place of retreat to work...

"Out of the crisis into the new normal" - the effective situation briefing for prudent decision-making

Published on 2020-03-27 12:54:21
One realisation of the last few months is: "We can do crisis". Crisis teams everywhere have developed emergency plans with astonishing precision. But now things are bumpy when, instead of working in small, well-coordinated teams of decision-makers, the involvement of many participants is called for again. Irritability and sensitivity make themselves felt. We at M19 have learned: emotions need a place to come together again. Our "Situation meeting" guide...